PPT Music A-H
All files are in a 4:3 format, unless otherwise
specified, they can be changed to
a 16:9 format by setting the width size of the page to 13.3 inches, height stays
The 16:9 files are true from notation, not converted in PowerPoint.
SONG [ 180 ] | FIRST LINE |
A | ||
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Beautiful Life (Arr. 1 / 4
vs.) A Beautiful Life (Arr. 1 / 5 vs.) |
Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Beautiful Life (Arr. 2 / 4
vs.) A Beautiful Life (Arr. 2 / 5 vs.) |
Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping those who are in need... |
4:3 16:9 | A Blessing In Prayer | There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master's feet... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Charge I Have To Keep (Arr.
1 / 3 vs.) A Charge I Have To Keep (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Mighty Fortress (3 vs.) A Mighty Fortress (4 vs.) |
A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Shelter In Time Of Storm
(Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) A Shelter In Time Of Storm (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Shelter In Time Of Storm
(Arr. 2 / 3vs.) A Shelter In Time Of Storm (Arr. 2 / 4vs.) |
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide... |
4:3 16:9 | A Soul Winner For Jesus | I want to be a soul winner for Jesus ev'ry day... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
A Wonderful Savior (3 vs.) A Wonderful Savior (4 vs.) |
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Abide With Me (Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) Abide With Me (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) Abide With Me (Arr. 1 / 7 vs.) |
Abide with me: fast falls the even tide... |
4:3 16:9 | Abide With Me; ‘Tis Even Tide | Abide with me, 'tis eventide! The day is past and gone… |
4:3 16:9 | Above The Bright Blue | There's a beautiful place called heaven... |
4:3 16:9 | Again The Lord Of Light And Life | Again the Lord of light and life Awakes the kindling ray... |
4:3 16:9 | All Creatures Of Our God And King (Arr. 2) | All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing … |
4:3 16:9 | All For Jesus (Arr. 1) | All for Jesus! All for Jesus! All my being's ransomed pow'rs… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
All Hail The Power Of Jesus'
Name (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (Arr. 1 / 7 vs.) |
All hail the power of Jesus' name... |
4:3 16:9 | All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name (Arr. 2) | All hail the power of Jesus' name... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
All People That On Earth Do
Dwell (Arr. 2 / 3 vs.) All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Arr. 2 / 4 vs.) |
All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice... |
4:3 16:9 | All The Way My Savior Leads Me | All the way my Savior leads me... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
All Things Are Ready |
All things are ready, come to the feast... |
4:3 16:9 | All Things Praise Thee | All things praise Thee, Lord most high, Heav'n and earth… |
4:3 16:9 | All Through The Night | Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr.
1 / 3 vs.) All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr. 1 / 5 vs.) |
All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr.
2 / 3 vs.) All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr. 2 / 4 vs.) All To Jesus I Surrender (Arr. 2 / 5 vs.) |
All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give... |
4:3 16:9 | Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts To Heaven | Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise… |
4:3 16:9 | Alleluia! Sing To Jesus | Alleluia! sing to Jesus! His the scepter, His the throne… |
4:3 16:9 | Almost Persuaded | Almost persuaded, now to believe |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Am I A Soldier Of The Cross?
(Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) Am I A Soldier Of The Cross? (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
Am I a soldier of the cross, A foll'wer of the Lamb... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Amazing Grace | Amazing grace how sweet the sound... |
4:3 16:9 | America The Beautiful | O beautiful for spacious skies… |
4:3 16:9 | Angels, From The Realms Of Glory | Angels, from the realms of glory... |
4:3 16:9 | Angry Words (Arr. 1) | Angry words! O let them never… |
4:3 16:9 | Angry Words (Arr. 2) | Angry words! O let them never… |
4:3 16:9 | Another Year Is Dawning (Arr. 1) | Another year is dawning! Dear Master… |
4:3 16:9 | Another Year Is Dawning (Arr. 3) | Another year is dawning! Dear Master… |
4:3 16:9 | Anywhere Is Home | Earthy wealth and fame... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Anywhere With Jesus ( 3 vs.) Anywhere With Jesus ( 5 vs.) |
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go... |
4:3 16:9 | Are You Coming To Jesus Tonight? | The voice of the Savior says “Come,”... |
4:3 16:9 | Are You Walking In His Footsteps | Are you walking in His footsteps, Are you always doing good… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Are You Washed In The
Blood? |
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r... |
4:3 16:9 | Art Thou Weary? (Arr. 1) | Art thou weary, art thou languid... |
4:3 16:9 | As The Life Of A Flower | As the life of a flow'r, As a breath or a sigh… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
At The Cross (3 vs.) At The Cross (4 vs.) |
Alas! and did my Savior bleed... |
4:3 16:9 | Awake, And Sing The Song (Arr. 1) | Awake, and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb… |
4:3 16:9 | Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve | Awake, my soul, stretch ev'ry nerve, And press with vigor on… |
B | ||
4:3 16:9 | Baptized Into Our Savior’s Death | Baptized into our Savior's death, Our souls to sin must die... |
4:3 16:9 | Battle Hymn Of The Republic | Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord… |
4:3 16:9 | Be A Light For Jesus | O, ye Christian soldiers as you march along... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Be Not Dismayed What'er
Betide (4 vs.)
Be Not Dismayed What'er Betide (5 vs.) |
Be not dismayed what'er betide... |
4:3 16:9 |
Be Still And Know
Be still and know that I am God... |
4:3 16:9 | Be Still My Soul | Be still, my soul; the Lord is on thy side… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Be Thou My Vision
(Key of Eb) Be Thou My Vision (Key of F) |
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart… |
4:3 16:9 | Beautiful | Beautiful robes so white, Beautiful land of light… |
4:3 16:9 | Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere | Somewhere the sun is shining, Somewhere the songbirds dwell… |
4:3 16:9 | Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme | Begin, my tongue, some heav’nly theme, And speak some boundless thing… |
4:3 16:9 | Beneath The Cross Of Jesus | Beneath the cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Beulah Land (3 vs.)
Beulah Land (4 vs.) |
I've reached the land of love divine... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Beyond The Sunset's
Radiant Glow (3 vs.)
Beyond The Sunset's Radiant Glow (4 vs.) |
Beyond the sunset's radiant glow... |
4:3 16:9 | Beyond This Land Of Parting | Beyond this land of parting, losing and leaving... |
4:3 16:9 | Blessed Are They That Do His Commandments | Blessed are they that do His commandments, They shall claim the tree of life... |
4:3 16:9 |
Blessed Assurance
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Blessed Be The Name (Arr. 2
/ 3 vs.) Blessed Be The Name (Arr. 2 / 4 vs.) |
O for a thousand tongues to sing... |
4:3 16:9 | Blessed Redeemer | Up Calv’ry’s mountain... |
4:3 16:9 | Blest Be The Tie That Binds | Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Break Thou The Bread Of
Life (3 vs.) Break Thou The Bread Of Life (4 vs.) |
Break Thou the bread of life... |
4:3 16:9 | Breathe On Me, Breath Of God (Arr. 1) | Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew… |
4:3 16:9 | Brighten The Corner Where You Are | Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do... |
4:3 16:9 | Bring Them In | Hark! 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear... |
4:3 16:9 | Bringing In The Sheaves | Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness... |
4:3 16:9 | Built On A Rock | Built on a rock the church doth stand, Even when steeples are falling… |
4:3 16:9 | Buried With Christ | Buried with Christ and raised with Him too, What is there left for me to do… |
4:3 16:9 |
By Christ Redeemed
By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored... |
C | ||
4:3 16:9 | Can You Count The Stars? | Can you count the stars of evening That are shinning in the sky… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Child Of The King (3 vs.) Child Of The King (4 vs.) |
My Father is rich in houses and lands... |
4:3 16:9 | Christ For The World We Sing | Christ for the world! we sing; The world to Christ we bring... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Christ Liveth In Me (3
Christ Liveth In Me (4 vs.) |
Once far from God and dead in sin... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Christ Receiveth Sinful Men (3
vs.) Christ Receiveth Sinful Men (4 vs.) |
Sinners Jesus will receive; Sound this word of grace to all... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Christ Returneth (Arr. 2 / 3
vs.) Christ Returneth (Arr. 2 / 4 vs.) |
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking… |
4:3 16:9 | Christ The Lord Is Risen Today | Christ, the Lord, is ris'n today, Hallelujah... |
4:3 16:9 |
Christ, We Do All Adore
Christ, we do all adore Thee... |
4:3 16:9 | Christ’s Love Is All I Need | Though dark and dreary be life’s way… |
4:3 16:9 | Close To Thee | Thou, my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me... |
4:3 16:9 |
Closer To Thee
Closer to Thee, near to Thy side... |
4:3 16:9 | Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs (Arr. 1) | Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Come, Sinner, Come (3 vs.) Come, Sinner, Come (5 vs.) |
While thru His Word He call you... |
4:3 16:9 | Come, Thou Almighty King | Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing… |
4:3 16:9 | Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing (Arr. 1) | Come, Thou fount of every blessing, Tune my heart... |
4:3 16:9 |
Come To Jesus Today!
Come to Jesus, He will save you... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Come Unto Me (Arr. 1 / 2
Come Unto Me (Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) Come Unto Me (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
Hear the blessed Savior calling the oppressed... |
4:3 16:9 | Come, Ye Thankful People, Come | Come, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of harvest-home… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Count Your Blessings (3
Count Your Blessings (4 vs.) |
When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns
(3 vs.) Crown Him With Many Crowns (4 vs.) |
Crown Him with many crowns... |
D | ||
4:3 16:9 | Day By Day | Day by day and with each passing moment… |
4:3 16:9 |
Day Is Dying In The West
Day is dying in the west... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Dear Lord And Father Of
Mankind (4 vs.) Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind (6 vs.) |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish ways... |
4:3 16:9 | Did You Think To Pray? | Ere you left your room this morning... |
4:3 16:9 |
Do All In The Name Of The
What-e'er you do in word or deed... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Does Jesus Care? (Arr. 3) Does Jesus Care? (Arr. 4) |
Does Jesus care when my heart is pained... |
4:3 16:9 |
Down In My Heart
I have sweet joy, joy, joy, joy... |
4:3 16:9 | Doxology | Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow... |
F | ||
4:3 16:9 | Eternal Father, Strong To Save | Eternal Father strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave… |
4:3 16:9 | Everybody Will Be Happy Over There | There’s a happy land of promise… |
F | ||
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Face To Face (3 vs.)
Face To Face (4 vs.) |
Face to face with Christ my Savior... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Fairest Lord Jesus (3 vs.)
Fairest Lord Jesus (4 vs.) |
Fairest Lord Jesus! Ruler of all nature... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Faith Is The Victory (3
Faith Is The Victory (4 vs.) |
Encamped along the hills of light... |
4:3 16:9 |
Faith Of Our Fathers |
Faith of our fathers! living still... |
4:3 16:9 |
Far And Near
Far and near the fields are teeming... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Farther Along (3 vs.) Farther Along (4 vs.) |
Tempted and tired, we're oft made to wander... |
4:3 16:9 | Father Of Heaven | Father of heav'n, whose love profound A ransom for our souls hath found… |
4:3 16:9 |
Father Of Mercies (Arr. 1)
Father of mercies, day by day... |
4:3 16:9 | Father, We Thank Thee | Father, we thank Thee for the night… |
4:3 16:9 | Fear Not, Little Flock | Fear not, little flock, Says the Savior divine... |
4:3 16:9 |
Flee As A Bird
Flee as a bird to your mountain... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Footprints Of Jesus (3 vs.) Footprints Of Jesus (5 vs.) |
Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
For The Beauty Of The Earth
(Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) For The Beauty Of The Earth (Arr. 1 / 4vs.) |
For the beauty of the earth, For the glory of the skies... |
4:3 16:9 | Forever With The Lord (Arr. 2) | “Forever with the Lord!” Amen. So let it be. Life from the dead is in that word… |
4:3 16:9 | From Every Stormy Wind (Arr. 1) | From ev'ry stormy wind that blows... |
G | ||
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Give Me The Bible (3 vs.) Give Me The Bible (4 vs.) |
Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming... |
4:3 16:9 | Give Me Thy Heart | “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father above… |
4:3 16:9 | Give To The Winds Your Fears | Give to the winds your fears, In hope be undismayed… |
4:3 16:9 | Glory Be To God The Father | Glory be to God the Father, Glory be to God the Son… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Glory To His Name (3 vs.) Glory To His Name (4 vs.) |
Down at the cross where my Savior died… |
4:3 16:9 | Go Into The Field | Stand no longer idle, heed the call... |
4:3 16:3 | Go Tell It On The Mountain | Go tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'rywhere... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
God Be With You (3 vs.) God Be With You (4 vs.) |
God be with you till we meet again; By His counsels guide, uphold you… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
God Calling Yet (Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) God Calling Yet (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
God calling yet! shall I not hear? Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear… |
4:3 16:9 | God Holds The Future In His Hands | Dread not the things that are ahead… |
4:3 16:9 |
God Is Calling The Prodigal
God is calling the prodigal; come without delay... |
4:3 16:9 | God Is Love (Arr. 1) | Come, let us all unite to sing, God is love… |
4:3 16:9 |
God Is So Good
God is so good, God is so good... |
4:3 16:9 | God Is The Fountain Whence | God is the fountain whence Ten thousand blessings flow… |
4:3 16:3 |
God Moves In A Mysterious Way
(Arr. 1)
God moves in a mysterious way... |
4:3 16:9 |
God Of Our Fathers (Arr.
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand... |
4:3 16:9 |
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord... |
4:3 16:9 | Great Is Thy Faithfulness | Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father… |
4:3 16:9 | Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Arr. 1) | Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land… |
4:3 16:9 | Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Arr. 2) | Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land… |
H | ||
4:3 16:9 |
Praise Jehovah |
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah... |
4:3 16:9 | Hallelujah We Shall Rise | In the resurrection morning, When the trump of God shall sound… |
4:3 16:9 |
Man of Sorrows, what a name... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Hand In Hand With
Jesus (3 vs.) Hand In Hand With Jesus (4 vs.) |
Once from my poor sin-sick soul… |
4:3 16:9 | Hark! The Gentle Voice | Hark! the gentle voice of Jesus falleth… |
4:3 16:9 | Harvest Time | Arise! the Master calls for thee… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Have Thine Own
Way (3 vs.) Have Thine Own Way (4 vs.) |
Have Thine own way, Lord... |
4:3 16:9 | Have You Counted The Cost | There’s a line that is drawn by rejecting our Lord… |
4:3 16:9 | He Bore It All | My precious Savior suffered pain and agony… |
4:3 16:9 |
He Is Able To
Deliver Thee |
‘Tis the grandest theme, thru the ages rung... |
4:3 16:9 |
He Is Lord!
He is Lord, He is Lord... |
4:3 16:9 |
He Is Wonderful
All praises be to the King of kings... |
4:3 16:9 |
He Keeps Me
Singing |
There's within my heart a melody... |
4:3 16:9 | He Leadeth Me | He leadeth me: O blessed tho't... |
4:3 16:9 |
He Lifted Me (Arr. 1) |
In loving-kindness Jesus came... |
4:3 16:9 | He Lifted Me (Arr. 2) | Without hope or God I was down in sin… |
4:3 16:9 | He Loves Me (Arr. 1 / 3 vs.) | Why did the Savior heaven leave… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
He Loves Me (Arr. 2 / 3 vs.) He Loves Me (Arr. 2 / 5 vs.) |
Alas and did my Savior bleed… |
4:3 16:9 | He's A Wonderful Savior To Me | I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me... |
4:3 16:9 | He’s Calling You | Go spread the blessed gospel, Wherever souls may be... |
4:3 16:9 | He's My King | All day long of Jesus I am singing… |
4:3 16:9 | Hear Me Now | Hear me now, O gentle Savior, Hear my humble plea… |
4:3 16:9 |
Hear, O Israel
Hear O Israel, The Lord thy God is one God... |
4:3 16:9 |
Hear The Joy-Bells Ringing |
Hear the joy-bells ringing... |
4:3 16:9 | Heavenly Father, We Appreciate You | Heavenly Father, we appreciate you... |
4:3 16:9 | Heavenly Sunlight | Walking in sunlight, all of my journey… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Here We Are But
Straying Pilgrims (Arr. 1) Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims (Arr. 2) |
Here we are but straying pilgrims... |
4:3 16:9 | Hide Me, O My Savior, Hide Me | Hide me, O my Savior, hide me In Thy holy place… |
4:3 16:9 | Hiding In Thee | O safe to the Rock that is higher than I… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
Higher Ground (3 vs.)
Higher Ground (4 vs.) Higher Ground (5 vs.) |
I'm pressing on the upward way... |
4:3 16:9 | His Eye Is On The Sparrow | Why should I feel discouraged… |
4:3 16:9 |
Hold To God's
Unchanging Hand |
Time is filled with swift transition... |
4:3 16:9 |
Holy Bible,
Book Divine (Arr. 1) |
Holy Bible, book divine... |
4:3 16:9 |
Holy, Holy,
Holy |
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty... |
4:3 16:9 |
Holy Is The
Lord |
Holy, holy, holy, Holy is the Lord... |
4:3 16:9 |
Home Of The
Soul (Arr. 1) |
If for the prize we have striven... |
4:3 16:9 | Home Of The Soul (Arr. 2) | I will sing you a song of that beautiful land… |
4:3 16:9 | How Beautiful Heaven Must Be | We read of a place that's called heaven… |
4:3 16:9 | How Blest And How Joyous (Arr. 1) | How blest and how joyous will be the glad day... |
4:3 16:9 | How Can I Be Lonely | One is walking with me over life's uneven way… |
16:9 4:3 16:9 |
How Firm A Foundation (Arr. 1
/ 3 vs.) How Firm A Foundation (Arr. 1 / 6 vs.) |
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord… |
4:3 16:9 | How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts? | How shall the young secure their hearts... |
16:9 4:3 16:9 4:3 16:9 |
How Sweet, How Heavenly (3
vs.) How Sweet, How Heavenly (4 vs.) How Sweet, How Heavenly (5 vs.) |
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds… |
4:3 16:9 | How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds | How sweet, how heav'nly, is the sight… |