"J" Hymns
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Main A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T The U V W X Y Z Children's Patriotic Hymns Psalms Tunes Xmas
Catalog of 'J' hymns | ||||||||
PPT | PPT | Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Arr. 1) | Jerusalem, my happy home, Name ever dear to me… | from text by Augustine | A. D. Fillmore | |||
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Arr. 2) | Jerusalem, my happy home, When shall I come... | Rev. Joshua Bromehead | S. A. Ward | |||||
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Arr. 3) | Jerusalem! My happy home… | Anonymous | F. J. Haydn | |||||
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Arr. 4) | Jerusalem, my happy home… | Latin Hymn, 8th Century. Williams’ and Boden’s Collection (1801) | F. Burgmuller (1804) | |||||
Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Arr. 5) | Jerusalem, my happy home… | From text by Augustine | George F. Root | |||||
Jerusalem, The Beautiful | Jerusalem, the beautiful, Thy glories are untold... | Rev. M. L. Hofford | J. R. Murray | |||||
Jerusalem The Glorious | Jerusalem the glorious... | Bernard of Cluny, tr. by J. M. Neale | St. Gall Katholiches Gesangbuch | |||||
PPT | Jerusalem, The Golden (Arr. 1) | Jerusalem, the golden, With milk and honey blest… | Bernard of Cluny, Tr. by J. M. Neale | A. J. Showalter | ||||
Jerusalem The Golden (Arr. 2) |
Jerusalem the golden, With milk and honey blest… |
Lat. Bernard de Morlaix, 1150, abr., Tr. By J. M. Neale, 1851 | Alexander Ewing, 1853 | |||||
Jerusalem The Golden (Arr. 3) | Jerusalem the golden! With milk and honey… | Bernard of Morlaix, 12th Century; The Rev. John Mason Neale, D. D. (1818-1866), 1851 | George Fitz-Curwood Le Jeune (1842-1904) | |||||
Jesus, All-Atoning Lamb | Jesus, all-atoning Lamb… | Charles Wesley | Old Latin Melody | |||||
Jesus All The Way | I am walking thru this earth-life… | Flora Kirkland | Winfield Scott Weeden | |||||
Jesus Alone Can Save | No other name on earth to men is giv’n… | M. L. McPhail | M. L. McPhail | |||||
PPT | Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be (Arr. 1) | Jesus, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee… | Joseph Grigg | W. E. M. Hackleman | ||||
Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be (Arr. 2) | Jesus, and shall it ever be… | Joseph Grigg | Lowell Mason | |||||
Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be (Arr. 3) | Jesus, and it ever shall be... | J. Grigg (1765) | H. K. Oliver | |||||
Jesus Answers Prayer | Plead the precious promises of Jesus… | Richard Hainsworth | Haldor Lillenas | |||||
Jesus, Blessed Jesus (Arr. 1) | The sweetest name of mortal tongue… | Grant Colfax Tullar | I. H. Meredith | |||||
Jesus, Blessed Jesus (Arr. 2) | There’s One who can comfort... | Charles H. Gabriel | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Jesus, Blessed Savior | Jesus, blessed Savior... | Fanny J. Crosby | Hubert P. Main | |||||
PPT | Jesus Bids Us Shine (Arr. 1) | Jesus bids us shine, with a pure, clear light… | Anna B. Warner | E. O. Excel | ||||
Jesus Bids Us Shine (Arr. 2) | Jesus bids us shine… | Emily H. Miller | A. F. Conant | |||||
Jesus Bids You Come | Jesus bids you come, Jesus bids you come... | Will L. Thompson | Will L. Thompson | |||||
Jesus Breaks Every Fetter | I am all on the altar… | C. D. T. | Traditional | |||||
Jesus Calls Thee | Jesus, gracious One, callcth now to thee… | Mrs. S. A. Collins | W. H. Doane | |||||
Jesus Calls Us (Arr. 1 / 3
vs.) Jesus Calls Us (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) Jesus Calls Us (Arr. 1 / 5 vs.) |
Jesus calls us: ov'r the tumult Of our life's wild restless sea… | Cecil F. Alexander | W. H. Jude |
Jesus Calls Us, O'er The Tumult (Arr. 2) | Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult... | Mrs. C. F. Alexander | I. B. Woodbury | |||||
Jesus Christ Is Passing By | Jesus Christ is passing by, Sinner… | J. Denham Smith | Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia… | Latin Hymn, 14th century, Tr. by Lyra Davidica, alt. st. 4 by Charles Wesley | Robert Williams | |||
Jesus Christ Our Savior (Arr. 1) | Jesus Christ our Savior, Once for us a Child... | W. Whiting | E. P. Tate | |||||
Jesus Christ, Our Savior (Arr. 2) | Jesus Christ, our Savior, Once for me a child… | W. Whiting | J. B. Calkin | |||||
Jesus Christ, Our Savior (Arr. 3) | Who came down from heav’n to earth… | El Nathan | James McGranahan | |||||
PPT | Jesus, Come And Bless Us | Jesus, Thou hast promised That where two or three… | E. R. Latta | Dr. W. O. Perkins | ||||
Jesus Comes (Arr. 1) | Watch and pray, ye know not when Jesus come... | Arthur W. French | J. H. Hall | |||||
Jesus Comes (Arr. 2) | Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking... | Mrs. Phoebe Palmer | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Jesus Comes, His Conflict Over | Jesus comes, His conflict over, Comes to claim His great reward… | Thomas Kelly | R. P. Stewart | |||||
Jesus Comes To Save | Floods of mercy break around us… | Rev. A. J. Hough | J. E. Hall | |||||
Jesus For Me | Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me… | William J. Kirkpatrick | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Jesus Forever For Me | Trusting in Jesus from day to day… | C. Austin Miles | C. Austin Miles | |||||
Jesus, Friend Of Sinners | Jesus, Friend of sinners, Hast Thou love… | Charles Irvin Junkin | George C. Stebbins | |||||
Jesus, From Thy Throne On High | Jesus, from Thy throne on high, Far above the bright blue sky... | T. B. Pollock | A. S. Sullivan | |||||
Jesus, Gentle Shepherd | Jesus, gentle Shepherd, Listen while we sing... | Mrs. S. K. Bourne, 1891 | R. Menthal | |||||
Jesus, Gentlest Savior (Arr. 1) | Jesus, gentlest Savior! God of might and pow'r... | F. W. Faber | J. W. Tufts | |||||
Jesus, Gentlest Savior (Arr. 2) | Jesus, gentlest Savior, God of might… | The Rev. Frederick William Faber, D. D. (1814-1863), 1854 | Charles Taylor Ives (1864-1948), 1895 | |||||
Jesus Has Promised Me | Jesus has promised me a home in heav’n… | Fanny J. Crosby | W. H. Doane | |||||
Jesus Hath Done All Things | I sing the praise of Him today... | Elisha A. Hoffman | Arr. by M. L. McPhail | |||||
Jesus, High In Glory (Arr. 1) | Jesus, high in glory, Lend a list’ning ear... | J. Erskine Clark, 1847 | John Stainer (1840-1901), 1872 | |||||
Jesus, High In Glory (Arr. 2) | Jesus, high in glory, Lend a list’ning ear… | J. Erskine Clarke | Lord T. Butler | |||||
Jesus Heals Today | Have you found the Great Physician... | James M. Kirk | James M. Kirk | |||||
Jesus, Hear A Little Child | Jesus, hear a little child: May I be... | Mrs. S. K. Bourne, 1892 | Hubert P. Main | |||||
Jesus Hears | Jesus hears us while we pray… | Mabel Reynolds Makepeace | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | |||||
Jesus, Holy, Undefiled | Jesus, holy, undefiled! Listen to a little child… | Mrs. E. Shepcote, 1840 | The Rev. John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) | |||||
Jesus, I Am Coming Now | Jesus, I am coming now, Coming to the fountain… | Robert Moffett | Fredrick A. Fillmore | |||||
Jesus! I Am Resting, Resting | Jesus! I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art… | Jean Sophia Pigott | J. Mountain | |||||
Jesus, I Come (3 vs.) Jesus, I Come (4 vs.) |
Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night, Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come… | W. T. Sleeper | George C. Stebbins |
PPT | Jesus, I Come To Thee (Arr. 1) | Unto the shade of the crimson cross… | Austin Taylor | Austin Taylor | ||||
Jesus, I Come To Thee (Arr. 2) | Jesus, I come to Thee, Longing for rest… | Fanny Jane (Crosby) Van Alstyne | William James Kirkpatrick (1884) | |||||
Jesus, I Live To Thee (Arr. 1) | Jesus, I live to Thee... | Rev. H. Harbaugh, 1850 | R. Menthal | |||||
Jesus, I Live To Thee (Arr. 2) | Jesus, I live to Thee, The loveliest and best… | Rev. Henry Harbaugh (1850) | Garrett Colley Wellesley; Lord Mornington (1760) | |||||
Jesus, I Live To Thee (Arr. 3) | Jesus, I live to Thee, The loveliest and best… | Rev. Henry Harbaugh (1850) | Isaac Baker Woodbury | |||||
Jesus, I Love Thy Charming Name (Arr. 1) | Jesus, I love Thy charming name; ‘Tis music to my ear… | Philip Doddridge | Arr. From Mendelssohn | |||||
Jesus, I Love Thy Charming Name (Arr. 2) | Jesus, I love Thy charming name... | Philip Doddridge | T. Haweis | |||||
Jesus! I Love Thy Charming Name (Arr. 3) | Jesus! I love Thy charming name… | Philip Doddridge | Charles Edward Pollock | |||||
Jesus, I Love (Arr. 4) | Jesus, I love Thy charming name… | Philip Doddridge | Hugh Wilson | |||||
PPT | Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Arr. 1) | Jesus, I my cross have taken... | Henry F. Lyte | Leavitt's Christian Lyre, Har. by Hubert P. Main | ||||
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Arr. 2) | Jesus, I my cross have taken… | H. F. Lyte | Mozart | |||||
Jesus, I my Cross have Taken (Arr. 3) | Jesus, I my cross have taken… | Henry F. Lyte | Francois H. Barthelemon | |||||
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (Arr. 4) | Jesus, I my cross have taken… | Grant | Dr. A. B. Everett | |||||
Jesus, I Will Trust Thee | Jesus, I will trust Thee, trust Thee with my soul... | Mary J. Walker | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Jesus, In Thy Transporting Name | Jesus, in Thy transporting name… | Anne Steele | Thomas A. Arne | |||||
Jesus Invites His Saints | Jesus invites His saints… | Isaac Watts (1707) | H. G. Nageli (1768-1836) | |||||
Jesus Is Able To Save (Arr. 1) | We glorify God for the gift of His Son… | Elisha A. Hoffman | W. A. Ogden | |||||
Jesus Is Able To Save (Arr. 2) | Sinner, undone thy condition… | E. R. Latta | J. H. Tenney | |||||
Jesus Is All The World To Me
(3 vs.) Jesus Is All The World To Me (4 vs.) |
Jesus is all the world to me, My life, my joy, my all… | Will L. Thompson | Will L. Thompson |
Jesus Is Calling | Jesus is calling, Calling for you… | W. E. M. Stewart | Fred Degen, Arr. by P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus Is Calling, Calling, Calling | Jesus is calling, calling, calling; Jesus is calling today… | Palmer Hartsough | J. H. Filmore | |||
Jesus Is Calling For Thee | When as of old, in her sadness… | Grace Glenn | J. H. Fillmore | |||||
Jesus Is Calling You Home | I wander’d in darkness and sorrow… | Virginia W. Mover | Charles C. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Is Coming (Arr. 1) | Jesus is coming! sing the glad word... | El Nathan | James McGranahan | |||||
Jesus Is Coming (Arr. 2) | There is sweet assurance in His blessed Word… | Sallie K. Best | Thoro Harris | |||||
PPT | Jesus Is Coming Again (Arr. 1) | Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring… | Jessie E. Strout | George E. Lee | ||||
Jesus Is Coming Again (Arr. 2) | Fear not, believer, redemption draws nigh… | E. E. Hewitt | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Is Coming To Earth Again | Jesus is coming to earth again… | Mrs. C. H. Morris | Mrs. C. H. Morris | |||||
Jesus Is Here | We stand on holy ground— Jesus is here… | Helen R. Young | Robert Lowry | |||||
Jesus Is Leading The Way | The Lord is my Shepherd, He leadeth me on… | Ina Duley Ogdon | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus Is Mighty To Save (Arr. 1) | All glory to Jesus be given… | Mrs. Annie Wittenmyer | William G. Fischer | |||||
Jesus Is Mighty To Save (Arr. 2) | Go to the souls that are lost and perishing… | Frank M. Davis | Frank M. Davis | |||||
Jesus Is Mine (Arr. 3) Jesus Is Mine (Arr. 4) |
Fade, fade, each earthly joy… | James C. Bonar | Theodore E. Perkins |
Jesus Is My Savior | Earthly joys may fail and perish... | Rev. A. H. Ackley | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Is Our Shepherd (Arr. 1) |
Jesus is our Shepherd, Wiping ev’ry tear… |
Hugh Stowell | From Bristol Tune Book | |||||
Jesus Is Our Shepherd (Arr. 2) | Jesus is our Shepherd... | Hugh Stowell | G. A. Macfarren | |||||
Jesus Is Our Shepherd (Arr. 3) | Jesus is our Shepherd; Well we know His voice… | Rev. Hugh Stowell (1819) | J. I. Tucker | |||||
Jesus Is Passing | Come, sinner, hasten to the cross… | L. L. Pickett | L. L. Pickett | |||||
Jesus Is Passing By (Arr. 1) | Jesus is passing, the blind man was told… | Arr. by Rev. J. H. Weber | Rev. J. H. Weber | |||||
Jesus Is Passing By (Arr. 2) | Come, contrite one, and seek His grace… | E. E. Hewitt | John R. Sweney | |||||
PPT | Jesus Is Passing This Way (Arr. 1) | Jesus is passing this way Today, today… | E. A. Hoffman | J. H. Tenney | ||||
Jesus Is Passing This Way (Arr. 2) | Is there a heart that is waiting, Longing for pardon today… | Fanny Crosby | W. H. Doane | |||||
Jesus Is Passing To-Day | In day of old, near Jericho… | Frank M. Davis | Frank M. Davis | |||||
Jesus Is Piloting Me | Sailing life’s ocean ‘mid breakers… | John R. Clements | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus Is Pleading For Thee | Hear the gentle spirit's call… | B. E. Warren | B. E. Warren | |||||
Jesus Is Praying For Me | Dark tho’ the clouds in the skies o’erhead… | T. O. Chisholm | Henry P. Morton | |||||
Jesus Is Precious | Peace like a river is flooding my soul... | Grant Colfax Tuller | I. H. Meredith | |||||
Jesus Is Real And Precious To Me | Tho’ all things this world holds as precious… | Herbert G. Tovey | Herbert G. Tovey | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus Is Strong And Able To Save | Do the dark clouds o'ershadow your pathway… | Austin Taylor | Austin Taylor | |||
Jesus Is Tenderly Calling
(3 vs.) Jesus Is Tenderly Calling (4 vs.) |
Jesus is tenderly calling thee home, Calling today, calling today… | Fanny J. Crosby | George C. Stebbins |
Jesus Is Tenderly Pleading | Jesus is tenderly pleading, pleading for… | C. E. Leslie | C. E. Leslie | |||||
Jesus Is The Friend You Need | When the sun shines bright and your heart is light… | I. E. Reynolds | I. E. Reynolds | |||||
PPT | Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know | Jesus is the sweetest name I know, And He's just the same as His lovely Name… | Lela B. Long | Lela B. Long | ||||
Jesus Is Waiting To Save | Why do you linger in darkness so long… | E. O. Excell | E. O. Excell | |||||
Jesus Is Your Friend | What a precious friend we have in Jesus... | Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman | J. H. Hall | |||||
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! | Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Sing aloud the Name… | Llanthony Abbey Hymns | Llanthony Abbey Hymns | |||||
Jesus, Jesus Only | Would you be this day made whole, Freedom gain from sin’s control… | Maud Frazer | Hubert P. Main | |||||
Jesus, Jesus! Visit Me | Jesus, Jesus! visit me... | R. P. Dunn, Tr. | L. T. Downes | |||||
Jesus, Keep Me | Jesus, keep me day by day, In the straight and narrow way... | Mrs. E. E. Miles | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | |||||
PPT | Jesus Keep Me Pure And Holy | Jesus, Savior, dear Redeemer, Precious is Thy love to me… | Austin Taylor | Austin Taylor | ||||
Jesus, King Of Glory (Arr. 1) | Jesus, King of glory, Thron'd above the sky... | W. H. Davison, 1877 | S. M. Bixby | |||||
Jesus, King Of Glory (Arr. 2) | Jesus, King of glory, Throned above the sky… | The Rev. Edward Harland (1810-1890), 1863 | Sir Joseph Barnby (1838-1896), 1872 | |||||
Jesus Knows (Arr. 1) | What a solace for my sorrow… | William J. Scott | Arr. by P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus Knows (Arr. 2) | When the twilight’s softly stealing… | Pearl | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | |||||
Jesus Knows (Arr. 3) | Jesus knows when heavy burdens… | T. O. Chisholm | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
Jesus Knows (Arr. 4) | Has your life a hidden sorrow... | Lotta B. White | Charles C. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Knows Thy Sorrow | Jesus knows thy sorrow… | W. O. Cushing | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Jesus, Lamb Of God, For Me | Jesus, Lamb of God, for me Thou, the Lord of life, didst die,,, | Ray Palmer | Richard Redhead | |||||
PPT | Jesus Leads (Arr. 1) | Like a Shepherd, tender, true, Jesus leads, Jesus leads… | John R. Clements | John R. Sweney | ||||
Jesus Leads (Arr. 2) | Jesus lives and Jesus leads; Tho’ the way be dreary… | E. Paxton Hood | German | |||||
Jesus Leads His Army | Hark! A voice is calling… | Alfred S. Dyer | J. H. Burke | |||||
Jesus, Let Thy Pitying Eye | Jesus, let Thy pitying eye... | Charles Wesley | Caryl Florio | |||||
Jesus Lives (Arr. 1) | Mighty army of the young, Lift the voice in cheerful song… | Rev. John R. Colgan | A. F. Myers | |||||
Jesus Lives (Arr. 2) | Happy are the hearts and light… | Jennie Ree | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now | Jesus! Thy terrors now Can, O Death, no more… | Christian Fürchtegott Gellert (1715-1769), 1757; Tr. Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1841 | Henry John Gauntlett (1806-1876), 1872 | |||||
Jesus Looks To You | There are harvest-fields which whiten… | Elsie Duncan Yale | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
Jesus, Lord, Be Thou My Own | Jesus, Lord, be Thou my own… | Alfonso M. de Liguori | Unknown | |||||
Jesus, Lord Of Life And Glory | Jesus, Lord of life and glory... | James J. Cummins | E. J. Hopkins | |||||
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 1
/ 3 vs.) Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 1 / 4 vs.) |
Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly… | Charles Wesley | J. P. Holbrook | |
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 2
/ 3 vs.) Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 2 / 4 vs.) |
Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly… | Charles Wesley | S. B. Marsh | |
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 3) | Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly... | Charles Wesley | John Zundel | |||||
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (Arr. 4) | Jesus, Lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly… | Charles Wesley | J. B. Dykes | |||||
PPT | Jesus Loves Even Me | I am so glad that our Father in heav'n... | Philip P. Bliss | Philip P. Bliss | ||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Jesus Loves Me (Arr. 1) | Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so… | Anna B. Warner | William B. Bradbury | ||
Jesus Loves Me (Arr. 2) | Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, He is always… | Unknown | Claribel (1868) | |||||
Jesus Loves Me (Arr. 3) | Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, He is always… | Unknown | J. I. Tucker | |||||
Jesus Loves Me! (Arr. 4) | Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible… | Miss Anna B. Warner (1859) | Arr. S. Smith | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus Loves The Little Children (Arr. 1) | Jesus loves the little children… | Traditional | George F. Root | |||
Jesus Loves The Little Children (Arr. 2) | Jesus calls the children dear… | Rev. C. H. Woolston, D. D. | George F. Root | |||||
Jesus Loves Us | Jesus loves us, Bends above us… | T. Alcliffe Teske | F. A. Blackmer | |||||
Jesus, Master, Whose I Am | Jesus, Master, whose I am... | Frances Ridley Havergal, 1873 | R. Menthal | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Jesus, Meek And Gentle (Arr. 1) | Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high… | George R. Prynne | Clarence Hudson | ||
Jesus, Meek And Gentle (Arr. 2) | Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high.. | The Rev. George Rundle Prynne (1818-1903), 1856 | William Henry Monk (1823-1889) | |||||
Jesus, Meek And Gentle (Arr. 3) | Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God most high.. | The Rev. George Rundle Prynne (1818-1903), 1856 | Friedrich Filitz, Ph. D. (1804-1860) | |||||
Jesus, Meek And Gentle (Arr. 4) | Jesus, meek and gentle, Son of God Most high… | Rev. George Rundle Prunne (1856) | Johann C. H. Rinck | |||||
Jesus, Merciful And Mild | Jesus, merciful and mild… | Thomas Hastings | W. T. Moore | |||||
Jesus, My All | Lord, at Thy mercy seat, Humbly I fall… | Fanny Crosby | Anon | |||||
Jesus, My All, To Heaven Is Gone | Jesus, my all, to heav’n is gone… | John Cennick (1743) | Rev. J. Coles (1792-1585) | |||||
Jesus, My Friend | Thy hand, that once was pierced for me… | Mary Brainerd Smith | C. Austin Miles | |||||
Jesus My Life, Thyself Apply |
Jesus, my life, Thyself apply… |
Charles Wesley | Dr. T. Hastings | |||||
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Arr. 1) | Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all... | H. Collins | J. Barnby | |||||
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Arr. 2) | Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, Hear me… | Rev. Henry Collins (1852) | English | |||||
Jesus, My Lord, To Thee I Cry | Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry; Unless Thou help me I must die… | Eliza H. Hamilton | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Jesus, My Savior (Arr. 1) | Jesus, my Savior, Keep me ever near Thy side… | J. W. Van de Venter | Arr. by George Beaverson | |||||
Jesus, My Savior (Arr. 2) | On the cross Savior suffered… | Jennie Lewis | J. H. Rosecrans | |||||
Jesus, My Savior, Is All Things To Me | Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me… | William J. Kirkpatrick | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
PPT | Jesus My Savior, Look On Me (Arr. 1) | Jesus, my Savior, look on me, For I am weary and oppressed… | Charlotte Elliot | Arthur S. Sullivan, Alexander C. Hopkins | ||||
Jesus, My Savior! Look On Me (Arr. 2) | Jesus, my Savior! look on me... | J. R. Macduff | J. Hullah | |||||
Jesus, My Savior, To Bethlehem Came (Arr. 1) | Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came, Born in a manger to sorrow and shame… | Unknown | Alexander C. Hopkins | |||||
Jesus, My Savior, To Bethlehem Came (Arr. 2) | Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came… | Unknown | E. E. Hasty | |||||
Jesus My Shepherd | Jesus is my tender Shepherd, Gently leading day by day… | C. M. Seamans | C. M. Seamans | |||||
Jesus, My Shepherd, Let Me Share | Jesus, my Shepherd, let me share Thy guiding… | Rev. Henry Harbaugh | Virgil Corydon Taylor (1847) | |||||
Jesus Needs You Today | Jesus, the tender Shepherd… | Mrs. C. H. Morris | Mrs. C. H. Morris | |||||
PPT | Jesus Now Is Calling | Come, ye weary and oppressed, Jesus now is calling you… | R. E. Hudson | R. E. Hudson | ||||
Jesus, O’er The Grave Victorious | Jesus, o’er the grave victorious, Conqu’ring… | Rev. E. E. Higbee | Henry Kemble Oliver | |||||
Jesus Of Nazareth | Jesus of Nazareth, healer of men… | John R. Clements | H. P. Danks | |||||
Jesus Of Nazareth Passeth By | What means this eager, anxious throng… | Etta Campbell | Theodore E. Perkins | |||||
Jesus On The Cross | A vision goes before me… | Ina Duley Ogdon | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Once An Infant | Jesus was once an infant small… | Rev. T. B. Pollock | Charlie D. Tillman | |||||
Jesus Only! (Arr. 1) | Nothing earthly meets the longing, Nothing here can satisfy… | Flora Kirkland | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Jesus Only (Arr. 2) | Jesus only! This is the watchword… | Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman | J. H. Hall | |||||
Jesus Only (Arr. 3) | What tho' clouds are hov'ring o'er me… | Hattie M. Conrey | Rev. R. Lowry | |||||
Jesus Only (Arr. 4) | Let me live for Jesus only… | Rev. S. S. Cryor, D. D. | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus Only (Arr. 5) | Jesus only, when the morning… | Elias Nason | D. E. Jones | |||||
Jesus Only (Arr. 6) | Jesus only, when the morning… | Elias Nason | I. B. Woodbury | |||||
Jesus, Only Jesus (Arr. 1) | Be our joyful song today, Jesus, only Jesus… | L. Pierce | George C. Stebbings | |||||
Jesus, Only Jesus (Arr. 2) | Jesus, only Jesus, Thou art all in all… | Rev. William H. Shults | Rev. William H. Shults | |||||
Jesus, Our Lord, How Rich Thy Grace | Jesus, our Lord, how rich Thy grace! Thy bounties how complete… | Philip Doddridge | T. Haweis | |||||
Jesus, Our Master | Jesus, our Master, gladly we hear… | Miss Ada Blenkhorn | Arr. by P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus Paid It All (Arr. 1 /
3 vs.) Jesus Paid It All (Arr. 1 / 5 vs.) |
I hear the Savior say, “Thy strength indeed is small… | Elvina M. Hall | John T. Grape |
MID | PPT | PPT | Jesus Paid It All (Arr. 2) | Gone is all my debt of sin, A great change is bro't within… | M. S. Shaffer | Samuel W. Beazley | ||
Jesus Paid The Price For Me | My Savior came from heav’n above… | Mrs. Maude B. Jacobs | Mrs. Maude B. Jacobs | |||||
Jesus Passed Through Jericho | Jesus pass’d thru Jericho, as to the cross He went… | E. E. Hewitt | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Jesus Pleads For Me | Jesus the Crucified pleads for me… | J. Sparrow Simpson | E. O. Sellers | |||||
Jesus Prays For Me | O what a blessed, blessed thought… | Mrs. Frank A. Breck | Charles C. Ackley | |||||
PPT | Jesus, Priceless Treasure | Jesus, priceless Treasure, Source of purest pleasure… | Johann Franck, Tr. by Catherine Winkworth | Johann Crüger, Har. by Johann S. Bach | ||||
4:3 16:9 | Jesus, Rose of Sharon | Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom within my heart… | Ida A. Guirey | Charles H. Gabriel | ||||
Jesus Said Of Little Children | Jesus said of little children, Suffer them to come to me… | J. H. Fillmore | J. H. Fillmore | |||||
Jesus Satisfies Me | Worldly pleasures charm no more… | James Rowe | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Satisfies My Soul | Jesus satisfies my soul for I am sav'd... | G. M. Bills | M. L. McPhail | |||||
Jesus Saves (3 vs.) Jesus Saves (4 vs.) |
We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves… | Priscilla J. Owens | William J. Kirkpatrick |
Jesus Saves Me | Jesus, my all, to heav’n is gone… | G. R. Stuart | Zollie Stuart | |||||
Jesus Saves Me All The Time | Jesus saves me ev’ry day, Jesus saves me ev’ry night… | W. S. W. | J. Mountain | |||||
Jesus Saves Me Now | Jesus hath died and hath risen again... | Unknown | Old Melody | |||||
Jesus, Savior, Love Divine | Jesus Savior, Love divine… | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | |||||
Jesus, Savior Of My Soul | Jesus, Savior of my soul... | Charles Wesley | S. B. Marsh, 1834 | |||||
Jesus, Savior
Pilot Me (3 vs.) Jesus, Savior Pilot Me (4 vs.) |
Jesus, Savior, pilot me Over life's tempestuous sea… | Edward Hopper | John E. Gould |
Jesus, Savior, Son Of God | Jesus, Savior, son of God, Who for me... | Anonymous | Miss Alice Nevin | |||||
Jesus, Savior, We Would See Thee | Jesus, Savior, we would see Thee... | Rev. John Bancroft Devins | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Jesus Set The Words Ringing | You ask what makes me happy… | Rev. George O. Webster | C. Austin Miles | |||||
Jesus Sets The Joy-Bells | Within my soul there rings a chime… | Fanny Bolton | L. E. Jones | |||||
Jesus Shall Have It All | In loving consecration... | Elisha A. Hoffman | Elisha A. Hoffman | |||||
PPT | Jesus Shall Reign (Arr. 1) | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run… | Isaac Watts | John Hatton | ||||
PPT | Jesus Shall Reign (Arr. 2) | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run… | Isaac Watts | Joseph Mainzer | ||||
Jesus Shall Reign (Arr. 6) | Jesus shall reign where’er the sun… | Isaac Watts | Lowell Mason | |||||
Jesus Shall Reign Where'er The Sun (Arr. 3) | Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Doth his successive journeys run… | Isaac Watts | F. M. A. Venua | |||||
Jesus Shall Reign (Arr. 4) | Jesus shall reign where’re the sun… | Rev. Isaac Watts (1719) | Karl Wilhelm | |||||
Jesus Shall Reign Where’re The Sun (Arr. 5) | Jesus shall reign where’re the sun… | Isaac Watts (1719) | L. O. Emerson | |||||
Jesus, Shepherd Of The Sheep | Jesus, Shepherd of the sheep... | H. Cook | J. Stainer | |||||
Jesus, Smile Upon Us | Blessed Jesus, smile upon us now… | C. M. Seamans | C. M. Seamans | |||||
Jesus, Still Lead On (Arr. 1) | Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won… | Count Zinzendorf, 1721; Tr. by Jane Borthwick, 1853 | George Hews | |||||
Jesus, Still Lead On (Arr. 2) | Jesus, still lead on, Till our rest be won… | Nicolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinzendorf (1700-1760), 1721; Tr. Jane Borthwick (1813-1897), 1853 | The Rev. Leicester Darwall (1813-1897) | |||||
Jesus, Sun And Shield Art Thou | Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou... | Horatius Bonar, D. D. | W. H. Doane | |||||
Jesus Sweetly Saves | I had heard the gospel call, offering pardon free for all… | Mrs. C. H. Morris, 4th vs. by H. L. G. | C. H. Morris | |||||
Jesus, Tender Savior | Jesus, tender Savior, hast Thou died… | Anonymous | H. N. Whitney | |||||
PPT | Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me (Arr. 1) | Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me; Bless Thy little lamb tonight… | Mary Lundie Duncan | Charlotte A. Barnard | ||||
Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me (Arr. 2) | Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless Thy little lamb tonight... | Mary L. Duncan | J. B. Dykes | |||||
Jesus, Tender Shepherd (Arr. 3) | Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me… | Miss Mary Lundie Duncan (1839) | German | |||||
Jesus Tenderly Calling | Jesus is calling, tenderly calling… | J. G. Foote | John | |||||
Jesus, The Calm That Fills My Breast | Jesus, the calm that fills my breast No other… | Frank Mason North | Henry K. Oliver, 1832 | |||||
Jesus! The Children Are Calling | Jesus! The children are calling, O, draw forth… | Annie Matheson (1853-1924), 1866 | W. F. Hurndall | |||||
Jesus, The Crucified | On dark Calvary Stands a cruel tree… | H. D. Spear | F. S. Shepard | |||||
Jesus, The Guiding Star | As the sailor on the ocean Watches the shining star… | C. M. Seamans | C. M. Seamans | |||||
Jesus, The Hope Of The World | Who is this coming with garments red… | T. O. Chisholm | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
PPT | Jesus, The Light Of The World (Arr. 1) | All ye saints of light proclaim, Jesus, the light of the world… | James Vincent Coombs | James Vincent Coombs | ||||
Jesus, The Light Of The World (arr. 2) | Hark! The herald angels sing… | George D. Elderkin, arr. | George D. Elderkin, arr. | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Jesus, The Loving Shepherd | Jesus, the loving Shepherd, Calleth thee now to come … | W. A. Ogden | W. A. Ogden | ||
Jesus! The Very Thought Is Sweet | Jesus! the very thought is sweet... | Latin, 12th Century | Arr. From R. Schumann | |||||
PPT | Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee (Arr. 1) | Jesus, the very tho't of Thee With sweetness fills the breast… | Arranged | George F. Händel | ||||
Jesus! The Very Thought Of Thee (Arr. 2) |
Jesus! the very tho’t of Thee With sweetness fills the breast… |
Edward Caswall | Alexander R. Reinagle | |||||
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee (Arr. 3 / 5 vs.) Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee (Arr. 3 / 6 vs.) |
Jesus, the very thought of Thee with sweetness fills the breast… | Bernard of Clairvaux, 12th cent.; Tr. by Edward Caswell, 1849 | John B. Dykes, 1866 | |
Jesus The Way | When the voice of the Master is calling… | Ina Duley Ogdon | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Jesus, The Wonderful Savior | Better friend is none than He… | Elisha A. Hoffman | Elisha A. Hoffman | |||||
Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen (Arr. 1) | Jesus, these eyes have never seen That radiant form of Thine… | Kay Palmer | From G. Donizetti | |||||
Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen (Arr. 2) | Jesus, these eyes have never seen... | Ray Palmer | Richard Redhead | |||||
Jesus, These Eyes Have Never Seen (Arr. 3) | Jesus, these eyes have never seen That radiant form of Thine… | Ray Palmer | J. B. Dykes | |||||
PPT | Jesus, Thou Divine Companion | Jesus, Thou divine companion, By Thy lowly human birth… | Henry Van Dyke | Charles F. La Jeune | ||||
Jesus, Thou Art The Sinner's Friend (Arr. 1) | Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friend... | R. Burnham | Anonymous | |||||
Jesus, Thou Art The Sinner’s Friend (Arr. 2) | Jesus, Thou art the sinner’s Friend… | Richard Burnham (1783) | T. J. Cook (1826-1876) | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts (Arr. 1) | Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts, Thou fount of life… | Bernard of Clairvaux | Henry P. Smith | |||
Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts (Arr. 2) | Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts! Thou Fount of life… | Tr. by Ray Palmer | Robert Schumann | |||||
Jesus, Thou Mighty Lord | Jesus, Thou mighty Lord… | F. J. Van Alstyne (1823) | W. H. Doane | |||||
PPT | Jesus Through Samaria | Our Savior once wandered on earth as a man... | John B. Hicks | John B. Hicks | ||||
Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness | Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness... | John Wesley, tr. | J. Barnby | |||||
PPT | Jesus, Thy Name I Love (Arr. 1) | Jesus, Thy name I love, All other names above, Jesus, my Lord… | J. G. Deck | Joseph P. Holbrook | ||||
Jesus, Thy Name I Love (Arr. 2) | Jesus, Thy name I love... | James G. Deck, 1842 | J. B. Dykes | |||||
Jesus, Thy Name I Love (Arr. 3) | Jesus, Thy name I love… | J. G. Deck (1853) | W. H. Doane | |||||
Jesus, Thy Word Repeat (Arr. 1) | Jesus, Thy word repeat, Solemn, abiding, sweet… | Alice M. Kyle | Felice de Giardini, 1769 | |||||
Jesus, Thy Word Repeat (Arr. 2) | Jesus, Thy word repeat, Solemn, abiding, sweet… | Alice M. Kyle | Henry Carey, (1663-1743), 1740. Har. 1745 | |||||
Jesus, We Come To Thee | Jesus, we come to Thee... | Mrs. S. K. Bourne, 1892 | S. M. Bixby | |||||
Jesus, We Thus Obey | Jesus, we thus obey… | Unknown | Unknown | |||||
Jesus Wept! Those Tears Are Over (Arr. 1) | Jesus wept! those tears are over, But His heart is still the same… | John E. Macduff | F. R. Statham | |||||
Jesus Wept! Those Tears Are Over (Arr. 2) | Jesus wept! Those tears are over, But His heart… | John R. Macduff | Frances H. Barthelemon | |||||
Jesus Wept (Arr. 3) | Jesus wept: those tears are over… | Edward Denny, arr. | Old Latin Melody | |||||
PPT | Jesus! What A Friend To Sinners | Jesus! what a friend for sinners! Jesus! Lover of my soul… | J. Wilber Chapman | Rowland H. Pritchard, Arr. by Robert Harkness | ||||
Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet (Arr. 1) | Jesus, where'er Thy people meet... | William Cowper | I. Pleyel | |||||
Jesus, Where’er Thy People Meet (Arr. 2) | Jesus, where’er Thy people meet… | William Cowper, 1769 | German Melody | |||||
Jesus, Where’re Thy People Meet (Arr. 3 / 3 vs.) |
Jesus, where’re Thy people meet… |
William Cowper (1779) | Dr. Lowell Mason (1792-1872) | |||||
Jesus, Where’re Thy People Meet (Arr. 3 / 5 vs.) | Jesus, where’re Thy people meet… | William Cowper (1769), ab. | Dr. Lowell Mason (1792-1872) | |||||
Jesus, Who Knows Full Well | Jesus, who knows full well… | John Newton | G. F. Handel | |||||
Jesus Will! (Arr. 1) | Who will open mercy’s door… | Ina Duley Ogdon | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Will! (Arr. 2) | Who will open mercy’s door… | Ina Duley | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Will! (Arr. 3) | Who will open mercy’s door... | Ina Dudley Ogdon | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Will Be There! | I do not fear to tread the path… | Ina Duley Ogdon | D. B. Towner | |||||
PPT | PPT | Jesus Will Come Again | Jesus is our loving Shepherd, And He is a faithful guide... | Mrs. W. S. Stroud | Flavil Hall | |||
Jesus Will Give You Rest (3
vs.) Jesus Will Give You Rest (4 vs.) |
Will you come, will you come… | Fanny J. Crosby | John R. Sweney |
Jesus Will Help If You | The Savior is calling you, sinner… | William Stevensen | Rev. R. Lowry | |||||
Jesus Will Let You In | Come to our Father's house... | A. S. Kieffer | A. S. Kieffer | |||||
Jesus Will Save You Now | Brother, give heed to the Master’s call… | M. Louise Smith | Howard E. Smith | |||||
Jesus Will Sustain You | Does the world no rest afford… | James Rowe | B. D. Ackley | |||||
Jesus Will Wash It Away | Bring all your sin to the Crucified One… | E. E. Hewitt | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Jesus Will Welcome Me Home | Hear the promises of love… | Rev. George P. Hott | J. H. Hall | |||||
Jewels | When He cometh, when He cometh To make up His jewels… | Rev. W. O. Cushlng | George F. Root | |||||
John Three-Sixteen (Arr. 1) | For God so loved the world That He gave His only Son… | John 3:16 | Benjamin Franklin Butts | |||||
John Three-Sixteen (Arr. 2) | In all the gospel of God’s grace… | James M. Gray | D. B. Towner | |||||
Join In Exultation | People, join in exultation... | James Rowe | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
Join Our Songs | Come, let us join our cheerful songs… | Isaac Watts | Unknown | |||||
PPT | Joy-Bells | Joy-bells ringing, children singing… | Josephine Pollard | Henry Tucker | ||||
Joy By And By | O there’ll be joy when the work is done… | F. E. Belden | F. E. Belden | |||||
Joy Cometh In The Morning! | Oh, weary pilgrim, lift your head… | M. M. Wienland | E. S. Lorenz, arr. | |||||
Joy Fills Our Inmost Hearts To-Day | Joy fills our inmost hearts today! The Royal Child is born… | W. C. Dix | S. Smith | |||||
Joy In Sorrow | I've found a joy in sorrow, A secret balm for pain… | Mrs. Jane Crewdson | Ira. D. Sankey | |||||
Joy Of Loving Hearts | Jesus, Thou joy loving hearts... | Bernard | Lowell Mason | |||||
Joy Of The Soul | There is glory in my soul... | Harriet E. Jones | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Joy, ‘Tis Our Bible | Joy, joy, ‘tis our Bible, The whole blessed book… | E. E. Hewitt | Fredrick A. Fillmore | |||||
PPT | Joy Unspeakable | I have found His grace is all complete… | B. E. Warren | B. E. Warren | ||||
Joyful Be The Hours To-Day | Joyful be the hours to-day... | Thomas Kelly | Caryl Florio | |||||
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee
(3 vs.) Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (4 vs.) |
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love… | Henry van Dyke | Ludwig van Beethoven, Arr. by Edward Hodges |
Joyously Are We Marching | Joyously are we marching on to Zion… | E. C. Avis | E. C. Avis | |||||
Joyously On | Marching on, an army, strong and grand… | Frank M. Davis | Frank M. Davis | |||||
Judge Eternal, Throned In Splendor | Judge eternal, throned in splendor, Lord of lords… | Henry Scott Holland, 1902 | Charles S. Yerbury, 1908 | |||||
PPT | PPT | Just A Closer Walk With Thee | I am weak but Thou art strong… | American Folk Song | American Folk Song, Arr. by Mosie Lister | |||
Just A Little Help From You | Do you ever stop, my friend, to think… | Maud Frazer Jackson | George C. Stebbins | |||||
Just A Little Prayer | Many are the deeds that I can never do… | Haldor Lillenas | Haldor Lillenas | |||||
Just A Little Sunshine | Just a little sunshine ev’rywhere… | E. E. Hewitt | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Just A Little Sunshine Song | Just a little sunshine song… | John R. Clements | W. S. Weeden | |||||
Just A Ray Of Sunshine | Just a ray of sunshine Breaking thru… | Ada Blenkhorn | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Just A Single Look At Jesus | Just a single look at Jesus… | Susan C. Harder | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Just A Word For Jesus | Now just a word for Jesus ; Your dearest friend so true… | Fanny J. Crosby | W. H. Doane | |||||
Just A Word In Season | Just a word in season To a soul in need… | Martha S. Clingan | Robert Harkness | |||||
Just A Word With Jesus | Just a word with Jesus… | Mrs. C. H. Morris | Mrs. C. H. Morris | |||||
Just As I Am
(Arr. 1 / 4vs.) Just As I Am (Arr. 1 / 6vs.) |
Just as I am! without one plea… | Charlotte Elliott | William B. Bradbury |
Just As I Am (Arr. 2) | Just a I am, without a plea... | Charlotte Elliott | Victor H. Benke | |||||
Just As I Am Without One Plea (Arr. 3) | Just as I am, without one plea… | Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871), 1836 | Sir George Job Elvey (1816-1893) | |||||
Just As I Am (Arr. 4) | Just as I am, without one plea… | Charlotte Elliot | Henry Tucker, Arr. by J. Lincoln Hall | |||||
Just As I Am 8s (Arr. 5) | Just as I am– without one plea… | Charlotte Elliott | Arranged | |||||
Just As I Am (Arr. 6) | Just as I am, without one plea… | Charlotte Elliott | Arr. from Verdi | |||||
Just As I Am, O Lamb Of God | Just as I am, O Lamb of God... | Rev. H. L. Hastings, 1886 | S. M. Bixby | |||||
Just As I Am, Thine Own To Be | Just as I am, Thine own to be…. | Marianne Hearn, 1877 | Joseph Barnby, 1893 | |||||
Just As My Father Wills | Just as He wills, so let it be… | Harriet E. Jones | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Just As You Are | Come, for the Savior is calling…. | Julia H. Johnson, arr. | Homer A. Hammontree | |||||
Just Ask Him In To Stay | Our hearts are light and cheerful… | Silas Farmer | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
PPT | Just Because He Loved Me So (Arr. 1) | Come hear me tell the story Paul and Silas loved so well… | J. E. French | J. E. French | ||||
Just Because He Loved Me So (Arr. 2) | O the matchless love of Jesus, Far exceeding aught I know… | F. L. Snyder | Howard E. Smith | |||||
Just Before The Dawning | O’er the silver waters of a pearly stream… | Fanny J. Crosby | C. Austin Miles | |||||
PPT | PPT | Just Beyond The Rolling River | Just beyond the rolling river, Lies a bright and sunny land… | H. W. Elliott | H. W. Elliott | |||
Just For Today (Arr. 1) | My Father, this I ask of Thee… | Eben E. Rexford | Victor H. Benke | |||||
Just For Today (Arr. 2) | Lord, for tomorrow and its needs… | E. R. Wilberforce | H. R. Palmer | |||||
Just For Today (Arr. 3) | Lord, for tomorrow and its needs… | E. R. Wilberforce | F. E. Belden | |||||
Just For You | There’s is a word for you to speak… | Mrs. H. D. Carmichael | J. H. Tenney | |||||
Just Lean Upon Jesus | Just lean upon Jesus; He'll help you along… | Eliza E. Hewitt | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Just One Glimpse | Just one glimpse of the glory waiting… | Mrs. Mary B. Wingate | William J. Kirkpatric | |||||
Just One Touch | Just one touch as He moves along... | Birdie Bell | J. Howard Entwisle | |||||
PPT | Just One Way To The Gate | There are many paths thru this world of sin… | James Rowe | James D. Vaughan | ||||
Just One Word From Thee | Just one word from Thee, my Savior… | Ida L. Reed | A. L. Schultz | |||||
- PPT |
Just Over In The Glory Land
(3 vs.) Just Over In The Glory Land (4 vs.) |
I've a home prepared where the saints abide… | James W. Acuff | Emmett S. Dean |
Just Over The River | Over the river the river of time... | Isaiah Baltzell | S. J. Oslin | |||||
PPT | Just Over The Way Is Home | There is a home prepared above, It Is for you and for me… | G. Q. Wigington | G. Q. Wigington | ||||
Just Tell What You Know | Child of the Master, honor His name… | E. E. Hewitt | J. W. Lerman | |||||
Just The Love Of Jesus | What is making life do sweet… | James Rowe | William Edie Marks | |||||
Just The Same Today | There are times when we grow weary… | Eben E. Rexford | M. L. McPhail | |||||
PPT | PPT | Just To Know | Just to know that Jesus loves me With a tenderness so great… | T. O. Chisholm | Samuel W. Beazley | |||
PPT | PPT | Just What I Need He Gives | When I am tempted evil to do, Jesus is near my strength to renew… | A. J. Showalter | A. J. Showalter | |||
Just When I Need Him | I have a Friend who walks with me... | Florence Jones Hadley | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
Just When I Need Him Most | Just when I need Him, Jesus is near… | Rev. William Pool | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Just Where I Am | Just where I am, O let me be... | Fred P. Morris | Robert Harkness |