"P" Hymns
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(All PPT Music are in Shaped Notes only)
Main A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T The U V W X Y Z Children's Patriotic Hymns Psalms Tunes Xmas
Catalog of 'P' hymns | ||||||||
Palms Of Victory | I saw a blood-washed pilgrim… | R. Kelso Carter | John B. Matthias | |||||
Paraclete C. M. | O Jesus, when I think of Thee... | George W. Bethune (1847) | F. C. Maker | |||||
Paradise | How sweet the word of Christ the Lord… | W. W. D. | James McGranahan | |||||
Pardon, Peace, And Power | Would we be joyful in the Lord? | El Nathan | James McGranahan | |||||
Pardoned | On Jesus the Savior my sins have been laid... | Ada R. Habershon | Robert Harkness | |||||
Parting Hymn (Arr. 1) | Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee… | Fanny J. Crosby | Rev. R. Lowry | |||||
Parting Hymn (Arr. 2) | Lord Jesus, low we bow Before Thy… | Flora Kirkland | Adam Geibel (1898) | |||||
Parting Song | God will sweetly care for thee… | Ina Duley Ogdon | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Parting With Self | And must I part with all of self... | B. Beddome | Hugh Wilson | |||||
Pass Along The Word | If you would help your fellow-men... | George Lytton | Samuel W. Beazley | |||||
Pass It On | Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on, pass it on… | Henry Burton | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
PPT | PPT | Pass Me Not | Pass me not, O gentle Savior... | Fanny J. Crosby | William H. Doane | |||
Pass The Word Along | Jesus came to save from sin... | Grace Weiser Davis | Grace Weiser Davis | |||||
Passing Away | And I must be to judgment… | Charles Wesley | Arr. by S. J. Oslin | |||||
Past Are The Cross, The Scourge, The Thorn | Past are the cross, the scourge, the thorn... | Alfred C. Jewitt (1879) | Giovanni Pierlugi Da Palestrina (1591), Arranged | |||||
Patience Bids Us Wait | The glories of that heav’nly land… | Anonymous | I. B. Woodbury | |||||
Patiently Pleading | Jesus is pleading, Patiently pleading… | James Rowe | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Paul S. M. | Jesus, the Conqu'ror, reigns… | Unknown | L. C. Everett | |||||
Peace Be Still | Tho’ torn and tossed by wind and wave… | Charles Gould Beede | P. P. Bilhorn | |||||
Peace I Leave With You (Arr. 1) | Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you… | Unknown | Prof. George C. Gow | |||||
Peace I Leave With You (Arr. 2) | List the words of Jesus… | Flora Kirkland | I. H. Meredith | |||||
Peace Is There, Peace Is There | Peace is there, peace is there, passing all… | Ina Duley Ogdon | J. Barnby | |||||
Peace On Earth | Peace upon earth! the angels sang… | Julia A. Mathews | Robert Lowry | |||||
Peace, Peace, Farewell | Peace, peace, farewell, May the grace of God… | Dwight E. Marvin, 1896 | W. Moreton Owen, 1896 | |||||
Peace, Peace Is Mine | God’s almighty arms are around me... | J. Denham Smith | James McGranahan | |||||
Perfect Peace (3 vs.) Peace, Perfect Peace (4 vs.) Peace, Perfect Peace (7 vs.) |
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin… | Edward H. Bickersteth | George T. Caldbeck |
Peace With God (Arr. 1) | I have peace with God, sweet peace at last… | Fanny J. Crosby | W. H. Doane | |||||
Peace With God (Arr. 2) | On dark Calv’ry’s rugged brow... | Kaye Ulmer | I. H. Meredith | |||||
Pearls Of Truth In Song | Christ’s words of truth, like manna fell… | S. J. Oslin | S. J. Oslin | |||||
People Of The Living God | People of the living God... | James Montgomery, 1819, abr. | E. J. Hopkins | |||||
Penitence | Jesus, let Thy pitying eye... | Charles Wesley | W. Henry Oakley | |||||
Pentecost Power | Lord, as of old at Pentecost… | Charlotte G. Homer | George H. Gabriel | |||||
Perfect Peace | Precious words, like music stealing… | Fanny J. Crosby | George C. Stebbins | |||||
Perfect Peace And Rest | Like a river glorious Is God’s perfect peace… | Frances R. Havergal | D. B. Towner | |||||
Perfect Salvation | Perfect salvation Of Him I sing… | Alma E. Gulley | Alma E. Gulley | |||||
Perfect Trust In Thee | I ask O Lord, that Thou will lead, My erring steps aright… | Fanny Crosby | Alvin S. Clark | |||||
Perishing Souls | There are souls, perishing souls… | E. E. Hewitt | William J. Kirkpatrick | |||||
Pierce | We speak of the realms of the blest… | Elizabeth Mills | I. B. Woodbury | |||||
Pilgrims, On! | Pilgrims on! the day is dawning… | Anonymous | George F. Root | |||||
Pilgrims To The Pearly Gates | Heirs of God with Christ our King… | C. W. Ray | T. H. R. Christie | |||||
Pillar Of Fire | The angel of the Lord encampeth... | F. E. Belden | F. E. Belden | |||||
Pilot Of Galilee | Daylight is past, Shadows are cast... | Grace Duffie Roe | Jay Arthur Ford | |||||
Place Of Sacred Rest | There is a place of sacred rest... | Anonymous | William H. Oakley | |||||
Pleading With Thee | There is a voice of the tenderest love… | Elisha A. Hoffman | R. M. McIntosh | |||||
Planting Sharon’s Rose | Lord, Thou callest for the workers… | Henry C. McCook | James A. Morris | |||||
PPT | Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above (Arr. 1) | Pleasant are Thy courts above, In the land of light and love… | Henry Francis Lyte | Walter B. Gilbert | ||||
Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above (Arr. 2) | Pleasant are Thy courts above… | Henry Francis Lyte, 1834 | Joseph Martine | |||||
Pleyel's Hymn 7s (Arr. 1) | Stealing from the world away… | Ray Palmer (1859) | Ignace Pleyel | |||||
Pleyel's Hymn (Arr. 2) | Hasten, sinner, to be wise… | Thomas Scott | Ignace Pleyel | |||||
Plunged In A Gulf Of Dark Despair | Plunged in a gulf of dark despair… | Isaac Watts (1707) | Dr. Thomas Hastings (1784-1872) | |||||
Portuguese Hymn 11s | O come, all ye faithful, triumphantly sing... | Tr. By Edward Caswell (1848) | Marcantoine Portogallo | |||||
Power In The Blood | There is pow’r in the blood... | Prof. J. H. Weber | Prof. J. H. Weber | |||||
Power To Obey | Grant Thy blessing, now, O Lord... | Arr. by F. E. Belden | Spanish | |||||
Power To Save | There’s a song my heart is singing… | W. A. Ogden | W. A. Ogden | |||||
Praise | Sing on, sing on, ye children, And let your glad song rise… | Mabel Reynolds Makepeace | F. S. Stanton, Mus. Bac. | |||||
Praise For Truth | Praise to Him by whose kind favor… | Anonymous | Mendelssohn | |||||
PPT | Praise God (Arr. 1) | Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow... | Thomas Ken | George Coles | ||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Praise God (Arr. 2) | Praise God! Give thanks to the Father… | Traditional | Traditional | ||
Praise Him | Praise, O praise our God and King… | Sir Henry Barker | J. Wilkes | |||||
Praise Him Ever | Praise Him! Praise Him ever… | Ada Taylor Dawes | I. H. Meredith | |||||
Praise Him, Hallelujah! | I learned a precious secret… | Mrs. Adaline H. Beery | Arr by F. McD. H. | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Praise Him! Praise Him! | Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus our blessed redeemer... | Fanny J. Crosby | Chester G. Allen | ||
Praise His Name (Arr. 1) | The Savior is the sinner's friend… | Hampton H. Sewell | Hampton H. Sewell | |||||
Praise His Name (Arr. 2) | I’ve a message from the Lord… | W. C. Martin | M. L. McPhail | |||||
Praise His Name (Arr. 3) | All the way my Lord is leading me… | Charles H. Gabriel | Charles H. Gabriel | |||||
Praise, Lord, For Thee In Zion Waits (Arr. 1) | Praise, Lord, for Thee in Zion waits… | Henry Francis Lyte | L. O. Emerson | |||||
Praise, Lord, For Thee In Zion Waits (Arr. 2) | Praise, Lord, for Thee in Zion waits… | Henry Francis Lyte (1834) | Ignace Pleyel (1757-1831) | |||||
PPT | Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven (Arr. 1) | Praise, my soul, the King of heaven; To His feet thy tribute bring… | Henry F. Lyte | John Goss | ||||
Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven (Arr. 2) | Praise, my soul, the King of heaven... | H. E. Lyte | Henry Smart | |||||
Praise Our Eternal Friend | Gathered again in His presence… | James Rowe | Albert C. Fisher | |||||
Praise The Father, Earth And Heaven | Praise the Father, earth and heaven, Praise the Son, the Spirit praise... | Unknown | I. B. Woodbury | |||||
Praise The God Of All Creation | Praise the God of all creation, Praise the king's boundless love... | Unknown | J. Wyeth | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Praise The Lord (Arr. 1) | Praise the Lord, ye heav'ns adore Him… | J. Kempthorne | Lowell Mason | ||
Praise The Lord (Arr. 2) | Oh, praise the Lord, sing to His name... | Ida Scott Taylor | Robert Lowry | |||||
Praise The Lord (Arr. 3) | Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord... | Mrs. M. B. C. Slade | Dr. A. B. Everett | |||||
Praise The Lord (Arr. 4) | O praise the Lord! He loves to hear you singing… | Unknown | H. G. Nægli | |||||
Praise The Lord, His Glories Show (Arr. 1) | Praise the Lord, His glories show, Saints within His courts below... | H. F. Lyte | H. J. Gauntlett | |||||
Praise The Lord; His Glories Show (Arr. 2) | Praise the Lord; His glories show... | Henry Francis Lyte | Jay Deavereaux | |||||
Praise The Lord, His Glories Show (Arr. 3) | Praise the Lord, His glories show… | H. F. Lyte | W. B. Gilbert | |||||
PPT | PPT | Praise The Lord! O Heavens | Praise the Lord! O heav'ns adore Him; Praise Him angels, in the height… | The Foundling Hospital Collection, London | Franz Joseph Haydn | |||
Praise The Lord! Praise Him! | Praise the Lord! praise Him! Men and angels… | J. R. Murray | J. R. Murray | |||||
PPT | Praise The Lord Who Reigns | Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps His court below… | Charles Wesley, Psalm 97-98 Adapted | Foundery Collection | ||||
PPT | Praise The Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Arr. 1) | Praise the Lord, ye heav’ns, adore Him, Praise Him, angels, in the height… | Anonymous | Ludwig van Beethoven | ||||
Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Arr. 2) | Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore Him... | John Kempthorne | Albert J. Holden, 1894 | |||||
Praise The Lord, Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Arr. 3) | Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore Him, praise Him… | Verses 1, 2, Anonymous, 1801, Verse 3, Edward Osler, 1836 | Henry Smart, 1867 | |||||
Praise The Lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him (Arr. 4) | Praise the Lord! ye heav’ns adore Him… | J. Kempthorne (1775-1838) | Thomas Clark (1775-1859) | |||||
Praise The Savior | Praise the Savior, ye who know Him… | T. Kelly | German Melody | |||||
Praise The Savior, All Ye Nations | Praise the Savior, all ye nations… | Lowell Mason | Lowell Mason, 1840 | |||||
PPT | Praise The Savior, Ye Who Know Him! | Praise the Savior, ye who know Him! Who can tell how much we owe Him… | Thomas Kelly | Sankey's Sacred Songs & Solos | ||||
Praise To God And Thanks We Bring (Arr. 1) | Praise to God and thanks we bring, Hearts, bow down… | William C. Gannett, 1882 | George J. Elvey, 1859 | |||||
Praise To God And Thanks We Bring (Arr. 2) | Praise to God and thanks we bring... | William C. Gannett (1882) | John B. Dykes (1861) | |||||
PPT | PPT | Praise To God, Immortal Praise (Arr. 1) | Praise to God, immortal praise… | Anna L. Barbauld | Ignaz J. Pleyel | |||
Praise To God, Immortal Praise (Arr. 2) | Praise to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days… | Mrs. A. L. Barbauld | R. Menthal | |||||
Praise To God, Immortal Praise (Arr. 3) | Praise to God, immortal praise. For the love that… | Mrs. Anna Letitia Barnauld (1772) | Prussian Air | |||||
Praise To God, Immortal Praise (Arr. 4) | Praise to God, immortal praise... | Anna L. Barbauld (1772) | Richard Redhead (1853) | |||||
Praise To God, Immortal Praise (Arr. 5) | Praise to God, immortal praise… | Anna. L. Barbaild (1772), Alt. | Johanna R. Ahle (1604) | |||||
Praise To God, Our Heavenly Father | Praise to God, our Heavenly Father, Praise to Christ… | Thomas B. Wireback | Thomas B. Wireback | |||||
Praise To Jesus | Come, praise your Lord and Savior... | Bp. William How | German | |||||
Praise To The Father Be | Praise to the Father be, Praise to His Only Son... | John Wesley | G. F. Handel | |||||
PPT | Praise To The Lord, The Almighty | Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation… | Joachim Neander | Erneuerten Gesangbuch, Stralsund | ||||
Praise To The Lord! He Is King | Praise to the Lord! He is King over all… | Rev. Joachim Neander, Tr. by Thomas C. Porter | Peter Sohren (1660), Arr. by F. C. Moyer | |||||
Praise Ye Jehovah (Arr. 1) | Praise ye Jehovah, praise the Lord most holy… | Lady M. C. Campbell | J. Conder Nattrass | |||||
Praise Ye Jehovah (Arr. 2) | Praise ye Jehovah, O praise the Lord... | J. H. E. - Flora Kirkland | Arr. from Goumod by J. H. E. | |||||
Praise Ye Jehovah’s Name |
Praise ye Jehovah’s name… |
William Goode | Henry Carey | |||||
Praise Ye The Father | Praise ye the Father, for His loving kindness… | Elizabeth Rundle Charles | F. F. Flemming | |||||
Praise Ye The Lord (Arr. 1) | Praise ye the Lord; for it is good Praise to our God to sing... | Rous' Version (1649) | C. E. Pollock | |||||
Praise Ye The Lord (Arr. 2) | Praise ye the Lord! let the glad carols ring… | Ada Blenkhorn | Thoro Harris | |||||
Praise Ye The Lord (Arr. 3) | Praise ye the Lord! Timbrel and harp employ… | Jessie Ree | Carl Fisher | |||||
“Praise Ye The Lord” (Anthem) | Praise ye the Lord, Praise ye the Lord… | Arr. from Psalms 113 by S. J. Oslin | S. J. Oslin | |||||
Praises, Happy Praises | Praise to Thee, our Father… | Miss Eliza E. Hewitt | Adam Geibel (1897) | |||||
Pray, Always Pray | Pray, always pray; the Holy Spirit pleads... | E. H. Bickersteth, 1861 | G. R. Caldbeck | |||||
Pray For Reapers |
Saints of God, the dawn is bright’ning… |
Maxwell | Henry Smart, Arr. by F. E. Belden | |||||
Pray For The Erring | Pray for the erring ones... | F. E. Belden | F. E. Belden | |||||
Pray For The Wanderer | Far in the desert wild… | Rev. C. M. Hott | A. S. Kieffer | |||||
Pray On; Nor Faint, Nor Cease | Pray on; nor faint, nor cease... | A. A. A. | R. Menthal | |||||
Pray Your Troubles Away | When you are weary and sore opprest… | B. B. McKinney | B. B. McKinney | |||||
“Pray Without Ceasing” S. M. | Keep close to God in pray’r… | Rev. E. Z. Sullivan | Mrs. S. J. Oslin | |||||
Prayer (Arr. 1) | Rest this weary heart, Blest Christ omnipotent… | Unknown | Miss Clara Oglesby | |||||
Prayer S. M. (Arr. 2) | Oh, perfect life of love… | Henry W. Baker (1892) | L. Marshall | |||||
Prayer For The Children | Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing... | C. Wordsworth | G. F. LeJeune | |||||
Prayer Is Appointed To Convey | Prayer is appointed to convey... | Joseph Hart, 1762 | Thomas Hastings | |||||
PPT | Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire (Arr. 1) | Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, Unuttered or expressed… | James Montgomery | Traditional American Melody, Arr. by Robert G. McCutchan | ||||
Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire (Arr. 2) | Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, Unuttered or expressed... | James Montgomery, 1819 | Thomas Hastings, 1843, Har. H. P. Main, 1881 | |||||
Prayer Is The Soul's Sincere Desire (Arr. 3) | Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, Unuttered or expressed… | J. Montgomery | L. Mason | |||||
Prayer Is The Soul’s Sincere Desire (Arr. 4) | Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire… | James Montgomery (1819) | George Kingsley | |||||
Preach My Gospel | Go, preach My gospel, saith the Lord... | Isaac Watts | Charles Burney | |||||
Precious Blessings | O the blessings we receive… | Fanny J. Crosby | Ira D. Sankey | |||||
Precious Blood | The blood has always precious been, Tis precious now to me... | MacLeod Wylie | George C. Stebbins | |||||
Precious Hope | Oh, the precious promises in Jesus' name… | Rev. George P. Hott | Dr. L. O. Emerson | |||||
Precious Is The Blood | Naught have I to make my plea… | Grant C. Tullar | Grant C. Tullar | |||||
Precious, Precious Blood Of Jesus | Precious, precious blood of Jesus... | Frances Ridley Havergal | S. M. Bixby | |||||
Precious Promise | Precious promise God hath given… | Nathaniel Niles, 1872 | P. P. Bliss | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Precious Words (Precious Forever) | Precious forever! O wonderful words… | Mrs. Loula K. Rodgers | R. M. McIntosh | ||
MID | PPT | PPT | Prepare To Meet Thy God | Careless soul, why will you linger… | J. H. Stanley | J. H. Stanley | ||
Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord | A voice thru the world is sounding… | C. S. Kauffman | C. S. Kauffman | |||||
Press On, Press On, Ye Sons Of Light | Press on, press on, ye sons of light... | William Gaskell (1837) | John Baptiste Calkin (1872) | |||||
Press Onward! | Press onward, oh, Christian, and leave not the race… | Mrs. Estelle Oltrogge | Mrs. Estelle Oltrogge | |||||
Press Onward, Heirs Of Glory | Press onward, heirs of glory! What tho’ the way be steep… | E. E. Hewitt | L. O. Emerson | |||||
Pressing On | This is the day of toil Beneath earth's sultry noon... | Horatius Bonar D. D. | George C. Stebbins | |||||
- PPT |
Prince Of Peace! Control My Will
(3 vs.) Prince Of Peace! Control My Will (4 vs.) |
Prince of Peace! control my will, Bid the struggling heart be still… | Mary A. S. Barber | W. T. Porter |
Prostrate, Dear Jesus, At Thy Feet | Prostrate, dear Jesus, at Thy feet… | Samuel Stennett (17887) | Dr. T. A. Arne (1710-1778) | |||||
Psalm Of Praise | God’s free mercy streameth… | William W. How | Samuel Smith | |||||
Pull For The Shore | Light in the darkness, sailor, day is at hand… | P. P. Bliss | P. P. Bliss | |||||
Pumroy 7s. | Lord, we come before thee now… | W. Hammond | L. C. Everett | |||||
Pure As The Streamlet | Thank God for the fountains… | E. E. Hewitt | Frederick A. Fillmore | |||||
Pure Gold | Why labor for treasures that rust and decay… | Fanny J. Crosby | Robert Lowry | |||||
Pure In Heart | Savior, keep me pure in heart… | F. E. Belden | F. E. Belden | |||||
MID | PPT | PPT | Purer In Heart, O God | Purer in heart, O God, Help me to be… | Mrs. A. L. Davison | J. H. Filmore | ||
PPT | PPT | Purer Yet And Purer (Arr. 1) | Purer yet and purer I would be in mind… | J. W. Von Goethe | S. J. Vail | |||
Purer Yet And Purer (Arr. 2) |
Purer yet and purer... |
J. W. von Goethe, 1858 | J. Wilson | |||||
Purer Yet, And Purer (Arr. 3) | Purer yet and purer I would be in mind… | Anonymous, 1858 | George Marks Evans | |||||
Purer Yet And Purer (Arr. 4) | Purer yet and purer I would be in mind… | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) | The Rev. John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876) 1860 | |||||
Put Your Hand To The Plow | Put your hand to the plow and go straight ahead, But never, never look back… | Johnson Oatman, Jr. | Charles H. Gabriel |