
"E" Songs
Shaped Music = Shaped Notes / Norm Music = Round Notes

(All PPT Music are in Shaped Notes only)

Main  A  B  C  D  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  The  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  Children's  Psalms  Tunes  Xmas

    PDF PDF Catalog of 'E' hymns        
    PDF PDF Each Little Flower That Opens Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings... Mrs. Cecil Frances Alexander St. Alban's Tune Book
    PDF PDF Each Returning Morn O Christ, with each returning morn… Anonymous William B. Bradbury
  PPT PDF PDF Early, My God, Without Delay (Arr. 1) Early, my God, without delay, I haste to seek Thy face… Isaac Watts William Dixon
    PDF PDF Early, My God, Without Delay (Arr. 2) Early, my God, without delay, I haste to seek Thy face… Isaac Watts J. B. Dykes
    PDF PDF Earth Below Is Teeming (Arr. 1) Earth below is teeming, heav'n is bright above… J. S. B. Monsell, 1863 R. Menthal
    PDF PDF Earth Below Is Teeming (Arr. 2) Earth below is teeming, Heaven is bright… Rev. John Samuel Bewley Monsell (1863) Luise Reichardt (1853); Arr. John Goss (1871)
    PDF PDF Earth Has A Joy Unknown In Heaven Earth has a joy unknown in heaven– The newborn joy of sins forgiven… A. L. Hillhouse Arr. by Lowell Mason
    PDF PDF Earth Has Nothing Sweet Or Fair Earth has nothing sweet or fair... Johann Scheffler, tr. Frances E. Cox, 1841 J. B. Dykes
    PDF PDF Earth Is Waking, Day Is Breaking Earth is waking, day is breaking… Anonymous John Zundel, 1870
    PDF PDF Easter, Joyous Easter Easter, joyous Ester, holy, happy time… Flora Kirkland C. Harold Lowden
    PDF PDF Edenland Our parents sold thee in thy bloom, Edenland… Susie Bradford Thompson F. A. Blackmer
    PDF PDF Endeavor Forward, Christian, with a firm endeavor… Rev. C. H. Oliphant Rev. C. H. Oliphant
    PDF PDF Englewood Not wailing cries, nor bells that toll… Granville P. Wilson, Arr. by F. A. Blackmer F. A. Blackmer
    PDF PDF Enlist For God

The mighty hosts of sin and wrong…

Rev. George O. Webster I. H. Meredith
    PDF PDF Enlisted For The King Enlisted for the King… Charlotte G. Homer Charles H. Gabriel, Jr.
    PDF PDF Enough For Me (Arr. 1) O love surpassing knowledge… Rev. E. A. Hoffman Rev. E. A. Hoffman
    PDF PDF Enough For Me (Arr. 2) When the shadows darkly fall... Grant Colfax Tuller W. A. Post
  PPT PDF PDF Enter Into His Gates Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise… Psalm 100:4-5 Nettie D. Ellsworth
    PDF PDF Enter By The Blood Of Jesus The Holiest Place stands open wide… Rev. J. B. Foote Robert Lowry
    PDF PDF Enter Thou My Heart Spirit of refining fire… H. D. Spear F. S. Shepard
    PDF PDF Entire Consecration Take my life, and let it be… Frances Ridley Havergal William J. Kirkpatrick
    PDF PDF Ere The Sun Goes Down I have work enough to do Ere the sun goes down… Josephine Pollard William J. Kirkpatrick
    PDF PDF Established Goings I will bless the Lord forevermore… F. A. Blackmer F. A. Blackmer
    PDF PDF Eternal Depth Of Love Eternal depth of love divine… Zinzendorf W. Tansur
PPT PPT PDF PDF Eternal Father, Strong To Save Eternal Father strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave… William Whiting, st. 1 & 4, Robert Nelson Spencer, st. 2 & 3 John Dykes
    PDF PDF Eternal Father, Throned Above Eternal Father, thron'd above, Thou fountain of redeeming love... Unknown J. Barnby
  PPT PDF PDF Eternal Light! Eternal Light! Eternal Light! eternal Light! How pure that soul must be… Thomas Binney Henry K. Morley
    PDF PDF Eternal One, Thou Living God Eternal one, Thou living God... Samuel Longfellow (1875), Abridged William Gardiber’s Sacred Melodies (1815)
    PDF PDF Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless mind… John W. Chadwick, 1864 John Wainwright, 1760
    PDF PDF Eternal Spirit, God Of Truth Eternal Spirit, God of truth… Unknown R. Simpson
    PDF PDF Eternal Spirit, We Confess Eternal Spirit, we confess... Isaac Watts J. Whitaker
    PDF PDF Eternal Wisdom! Thee We Praise Eternal Wisdom! thee we praise... Isaac Watts G. Franc
    PDF PDF Eternity Oh, the clanging bells of Time … Mrs. Ellen M. H. Gates P. P. Bliss
    PDF PDF Eternity Is Drawing Nigh Pray, brethren, pray, The sands are falling… Horatius Bonar D. D. Philip Phillips
    PDF PDF Eternity Is Near I see the days glide down the West… J. W. Van de Venter W. S. Weeden
    PDF PDF Eternity!– Where? Eternity– where? It floats in the air... Unknown John R. Sweney
    PDF PDF Evan C. M. (Arr. 1) I heard the voice of Jesus say… Horatius Bonar William Havergal
    PDF PDF Evan C. M. (Arr. 2) We may not climb the heavenly steeps… John G. Whittier William Havergal
    PDF PDF Evan C. M. (Arr. 3) A pilgrim through this lonely world… Horatius Bonar William Havergal
    PDF PDF Evan C. M. (Arr. 4) How sweet, how heav'nly is the sight… J. Swain William H. Havergal
    PDF PDF Evan (Arr. 5) In mercy, Lord, remember me… Johann F. Hertzog, Tr. J. C. Jacobi Rev. William H. Havergal
    PDF PDF Evan C. M. (Arr. 6) Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come… Unknown William Henry Havergal
    PDF PDF Evangelize The World Go forth, ye Christian workers… Samuel W. Beazley Samuel W. Beazley
Even Me
Lord, I hear of show'rs of blessing... Elizabeth Codner William B. Bradbury
    PDF PDF Even Now Brood not o’er the sinful past… George Cooper William H. Friday, Jr.
    PDF PDF Even At The Door The coming King is at the door… F. E. Belden F. E. Belden
    PDF PDF “Even Unto The End” Go ye into all the world... F. E. Belden F. E. Belden
    PDF PDF Evening Blessing Savior, breathe an evening blessing… J. Edmeston J. P. Jewson
    PDF PDF Ever At My Side Dear Savior, ever at my side, How loving Thou must be… Frederick W. Faber Thoro Harris
    PDF PDF Ever Be Faithful Ever to Jesus be faithful and true… Rev. E. A. Hoffman Rev. E. A. Hoffman
    PDF PDF Evergreen Mountains Of Life There’s a land far away, ‘mid the stars we are told… James G. Clark S. J. Oslin
    PDF PDF Evergreen Shore We are joyously voyaging over the main… Anonymous William B. Bradbury
    PDF PDF Everlasting Joy Let your life be one of beauty… Thomas P. Westendorf Thomas P. Westendorf
    PDF PDF Everlasting Punishment While ‘tis mercy’s day, and the gospel calls... S. J. Oslin S. J. Oslin
    PDF PDF Every Blessing That You Need Tho’ the path grow rough and steep, Still your faith in Jesus keep… James Rowe Thoro Harris
    PDF PDF Every Day For Jesus Ev’ry day for Jesus, ev’ry hour for Him… E. E. Hewitt J. W. Lerman
    PDF PDF Every Day I Praise Thee Father of mercies, when fear possessed me… James M. Gray W. H. Jude, arr. E. O. Sellers
    PDF PDF Every Day Will I Bless Thee My Savior’s praises I will sing… J. E. A. James McGranahan
    PDF PDF Every Little Step I Take Every little step I take Forward in my heav'nly way... Unknown R. Menthal
    PDF PDF Every Morning Mercies New Ev’ry morning mercies new… G. Phillimore, 1868 E. J. Hopkins, 1818
    PDF PDF Every Morning The Red Sun Ev’ry morning the red sun Rises warm and bright… Mrs. Cecil Frances Alexander (1823-1895), 1848 The Rev. John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876)
    PDF PDF Every Word I Believe If you ask me why I’m happy as I journey down life’s road… Rev. Johnson Oatman, Jr. William J. Kirkpatrick
    PDF PDF Everybody Ought To Love Jesus Ev’rybody ought to love Jesus, Jesus, Jesus… Harry Dixon Loes Harry Dixon Loes
Everybody's Friend
Jesus, royal, heav'nly Friend, On thy kindness we depend... Adaline H. Beery J. D. Brunk
    PDF PDF Everything For Jesus Ev’rything for Jesus! this my joyous song… Flora Kirkland W. I. Southerton
    PDF PDF Everything, Yes, Everything All my sins I bring to Jesus, Ev‘ry burden of my soul... Judson W. Van De Venter W. S. Weeden
    PDF PDF Everywhere With Jesus Ev’rywhere with Jesus, thus I find sweet rest… Rev. J. S. Haugh Mabel E. Place

Evils Of Intemperance

Mourn for the thousands slain, The youthful and the strong... Seth C. Brace Lowell Mason
    PDF PDF Exalt And Praise His Holy Name Praise ye His Holy Name… Julia H. Johnston D. B. Towner
    PDF PDF Eye Hath Not Seen They tell me of a land so fair… Fanny J. Crosby George C. Stebbins